The Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies of the Technical University of Košice with the seat in Prešov has undergone many changes over the past 25 years of its existence. During this period, the Faculty strengthened its position in the university environment of the Slovak Republic. At present, it represents a high-quality and stable faculty of the largest university of the East Slovakian region - the Technical University of Košice. In the last decade, the Faculty has been at the forefront of various statistical evaluations (e.g. ARRA assessment) taking into account scientific, research and educational aspects. Educational system of the Faculty has undergone complex changes. Currently, it is focused on education coupled with practice. In 2017, The Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies passed a change of its status. One of the major changes was the transformation of the Faculty's management and the establishment of the institutes and subordinate departments. The Faculty consists of the three institutes and six departments.
Institute of Advanced Technologies
The Institute focuses its research on two main directions. The first is the field of modern technologies (water jet, laser, additive technologies) used for the production of automotive components as well as mass production components including their testing using mainly non-destructive methods. Another direction is the research of composite materials from their modelling and design using additive technologies to their testing. In the field of education, the Institute provides teaching of design and technologically oriented subjects using computer aided manufacturing. The Institute guarantees two study programmes at all three levels of study. It has the right to habilitation and inauguration proceedings in the study branch Manufacturing Technologies.

prof. Ing. Sergej Hloch, PhD.
Director of the Institute
Ing. Lucia Vojteková
Department of Automobile and Manufacturing Technologies
Founded in 1992, the Department of Automobile and Manufacturing Technologies is one of the founding and the largest departments of the Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies of the Technical University of Košice with the seat in Prešov. Until then it was called the Department of Manufacturing Technologies. The present Department has undergone several changes and now it guarantees the following study programmes: Advanced Technologies and Automotive Production Technologies. More rigorous focus on the automotive sector followed by the educational process was one of the main reasons for changing the name of the Department (2017). Within bachelor and engineering degree programmes, the Department provides accredited university education in the study programmes Advanced Technologies and Automotive Production Technologies. The study programme Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Materials is offered in PhD study.
Department of Computer Aided Manufacturing Technologies
The Department focuses primarily on the complex solution of computer technology management and also emphasizes the issues of CA systems and CA technologies used in production preparation and management providing the capability of finishing, editing and creating specialized applications and add-ons. The Department tries to parallel the processes in today's engineering industry as well as to simplify and speed up individual processes using the interconnection of the design methodology with reverse engineering tools for the successful development of products. In the framework of its activities, the Department focuses on educational activities and research aimed at supporting all phases of production with a wide range of both hardware and software elements. An appropriate research and learning environment is created by a combination of IT resources and the department staff whose composition combines an experienced view of older members with the agility of young workers and PhD students.
Institute of Manufacturing and Process Engineering
Scientific and research activities of the Institute are focused on theoretical and practical solution of the basic and applied research of renewable energy sources control, thermal processes control and optimization of fuel combustion in stationary heat generators. By exploring hybrid composite structures of materials in the context of their application, the Institute deals with the improvement of gear and belt transmissions performance. Education is focused on acquiring knowledge and practical skills of SMART solutions in heat energy processes especially on the basis of renewable energy sources, machinery construction, technical equipment operation, measurement, operating conditions evaluation, reliability, quality, diagnostics, maintenance and servicing of technical equipment. Education is provided at all three levels of university study (study branch Process Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering). The Institute has the right to habilitation and inauguration in these study fields.

prof. Ing. Juraj Ružbarský, PhD.
Director of the Institute
Slavka Homová
Department of Technical Systems Design and Monitoring
The Department of Technical Systems Design and Monitoring is oriented to the teaching of basic and applied engineering knowledge and skills. Research activity is aimed at the research of mechatronic systems of production machinery and equipment, the dimensional and strength optimization of the static, kinematic and dynamic characteristics of mechanisms, research in the field of belt tension and the research of methods of monitoring and diagnostics of technical equipment. In cooperation with businesses and institutions the department ensures implementation of design work for customers from various technical and industrial areas.
Department of Process Engineering
The Department provides courses in the fields of heat and fluid mechanics, thermal and energy processes, renewable energy sources and process engineering. The program focuses on renewable energy in all levels of university study. In the field of research it focuses on the implementation of projects of multivalency systems based on renewable energy sources, which are a continuation of the project VUKONZE ITMS: 26220220064. Implementation of applied research is aimed at reducing the energy intensity of buildings and technologies.
Institute of Manufacturing Management
The main objective of the Institute is to support the Faculty in the field of implementing the Industry 4.0 concept in its direction as a major institution developing the innovative concept of the Factory of Future. Research is focused mainly on modelling, simulation, management and optimization of production processes and their components using the techniques of computational intelligence. In the field of education, the Institute offers courses in management, informatics, cybernetic and natural science at all three levels of study. It guarantees study programmes, habilitations and inaugurations especially in the field of industrial engineering.

prof. Ing. Vladimír Modrák, CSc.
Director of the Institute
Ing. Anna Jakubcová
Department of Natural Sciences and Humanities
Department of Natural Sciences and Humanities offers courses in Mathematics, Physics, World Languages (English, German, Russian), Social Sciences (Ethics, Psychology, Philosophy) as well Physical Education in all study programmes and degrees. Science and research activities support its pedagogical orientation with an emphasis on mathematical modelling, statistical methods, mathematics teaching theory, material research in the field of magnetically soft materials, application and implementation of e-learning in foreign languages and social sciences teaching.
Department of Industrial Engineering and Informatics
Department provides good quality education in the study branches Manufacturing Management and Industrial Management. Department prepares experts in the field of operational and dispatch management. Graduates can work as planners, managers, quality managers, etc. Professional focus is based on the adoption of management principles coupled with knowledge of production, production technologies, information technology, economics, production and distribution logistics, simulation and modelling as well as marketing.