Motivational scholarships
Motivational scholarships are awarded for excellent results and representation of the school from the state budget and the TUKE scholarship fund. A motivational scholarship can be awarded to a student for:
- excellent fulfilment of study duties and great results,
- achieving excellence in learning outcomes,
- the achievement of excellence in research or development,
- achieving excellence in artistic or sporting activities.

Social scholarships
Social scholarship is granted to the students of Technical university of Košice from the state budget subsidies designated for this purpose in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic no. 102/2006 Coll., no. 227/2012 Coll. on granting social scholarship to university students as subsequently amended and Act no. 601/2003 Coll. on the subsistence minimum and on amendments to certain laws as amended.
Social scholarship is designed for students with full-time study of the first two degree programmes and study programmes according to § 53 par. 3 of the Higher Education Act, who have permanent residence in the Slovak Republic.
The conditions are determined by the Ministry of Education and they are the same at all universities. Social scholarship amount depends on the income of family members, who are assessed together with the student. The current situation at the time of the application is always considered. If a scholarship is granted, it is paid in monthly amounts from the month, in which the application was submitted. Additional payment of scholarships is not possible.