International cooperation

The aim of international cooperation at the Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies, Technical University of Košice is to expand the contacts and the cooperation of the Faculty, especially with important foreign partners and workplaces. This cooperation is realized at the level of the faculty and its individual departments by organizing international scientific and professional events, participating in the solution of foreign projects. This is supported by the mobility of students and teachers within the framework of Erasmus, CEEPUS and the National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic. At present, three international research projects are dealt with at the Faculty. The Faculty has contractual cooperation with 33 foreign institutions, 27 Erasmus+ contracts are signed at the faculty level. Faculty staff is local coordinator of 8 CEEPUS networks.

Contractual cooperation with foreign institutions at the faculty level

List of active CEEPUS networks at the faculty level

  • CIII-BG-0703 Modern Trends in Education and Research on Mechanical Systems - Bridging Reliability, Quality and Tribology. (prof. Ing. Ján Piteľ, PhD.)
  • CIII-RO-0058 Design, Implementation and Use of Joint Programs Regarding Quality in Manufacturing Engineering. (doc. Ing. Marek Kočiško, PhD.)
  • CIII-RO-0202 Implementation and utilization of e-learning systems in study area of production engineering in Central European Region. (prof. Ing. Katarína Monková, PhD.)
  • CIII-PL-0033 Development of mechanical engineering (design, technology and production management) as an essential base for progress in the area of small and medium companies' logistics - research, preparation and implementation of joint programs of study. (Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. Michal Hatala, PhD.)
  • CIII-SK-0030 From Preparation to Development, Implementation And Utilisation of Joint Programs In Study Area of Production Engineering – Contribution to higher flexibility, ability and mobility of students in the Central and East European region. (prof. Ing. Vladimír Modrák, CSc.)
  • CIII-PL-0007 Novel methods of manufacturing and measurement of machine parts. (Dr. h. c. mult. prof. Ing. Jozef Zajac, CSc.)
  • CIII-PL-0701 Engineering as Communication Language in Europe. (prof. Ing. Sergej Hloch, PhD.)
  • CIII-CZ-0201 Knowledge Bridge for Students and Teachers in Manufacturing Technologies. (Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. Michal Hatala, PhD.)
  • CIII-RS 1011 Fostering sustainable partnership between academia and industry in improving applicability of logistics thinking (FINALIST). (prof. Ing. Vieroslav Molnár, PhD.)
  • CIII-RS 1412 Interdisciplinary approach for enhancing knowledge in supply chain analytics (SCAN). (doc. Ing. Peter Michalik, PhD.)


  • Eureka - Auto-ID technology and the Internet of Things to enhance the quality of health services - U Health
  • H2020 - SME 4.0 – Industry 4.0 for SMEs: Smart Manufacturing and Logistics for SMEs in an X-to-order and Mass Customization Environment
  • 2021-05-15-001 Action Austria-Slovakia: Sustainable Production Systems- Enhancing Science and Education
  • 2021-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000031182 s názvom "ErgoDesign – Improving digital skills for Ergonomics and Bioengineering Innovations for inclusive Health Care


10th EAI Smart Life Summit, Bratislava, Slovakia

24.10. - 26.10. 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia

8th International Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems“

24.10. - 26.10. 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia

7th EAI International Conference on Future Access Enablers of Ubiquitous and Intelligent Infrastructures“

24.10. - 26.10. 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia

International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Materials

26.06 - 30.06 2023, Nový Smokovec, Slovakia

6th International Conference on Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange

June 6-9, 2023 Stará Lesná, Slovakia

Smart Production Labs Network Bootcamp

08-10 February 2023, Stará Lesná, Slovakia

EAI ARTEP 2023 - EAI International Conference on Automation and control in theory and practice

February 8-10, 2023 Stará Lesná, Slovakia

7.Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia „EAI 2022- 7thInternational Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems“

05.10. - 07.10.2022

6. Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia „ICMEM 2022 - 6th International scientific conference of Manufacturing Engineering and Materials”

27.06. - 01.07.2022

6. Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia „EAI FABULOUS 2022 - 6th EAI International Conference on Future Access Enablers of Ubiquitous and Intelligent Infrastructures“


6. Medzinárodná konferencia „EAI 2021- 6thInternational Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems“


26.Medzinárodná Slovensko-Poľská vedecká konferencia 26thMMS 2021 - Machine Modelling and Simulations 2021

07.09. - 09.09.2021

5.Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia „EAI FABULOUS 2021 - 5th EAI International Conference on Future Access Enablers of Ubiquitous and Intelligent Infrastructures“

06.05. - 07.05.2021

5. medzinárodná konferencia „EAI 2020- 5thInternational Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems“

27.10. - 28.10.2020

Medzinárodná konferencia „Principia Cybernetica 2020“

02.09. - 04.09.2020

Workshop Bridge2ERA Workshop 2020 „New Polymer Systems“


Workshop „Automatizácia a riadenie v teórii a praxi – ARTEP 2020“ / „Automation and Control in Theory and Practice – ARTEP 2020“

05.02. - 07.02.2020

4. Medzinárodná konferencia „EAI 2019- 4thInternational Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems“

08.10. - 10.10.2019

Workshop „Automatizácia a riadenie v teórii a praxi – ARTEP 2019“ / „Automation and Control in Theory and Practice – ARTEP 2019“

06.02. - 08.02.2019

3. Medzinárodná konferencia „EAI 2018- 3rdInternational Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems“

06.11. - 08.11.2018

5. Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia „ICMEM 2018 - International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Materials“

18.06. - 22.06.2018

Workshop „Automatizácia a riadenie v teórii a praxi – ARTEP 2018“ / „Automation and Control in Theory and Practice – ARTEP 2018“

07.02. - 09.02.2018